
Virtual colocation

Your own server has advantages, but usually offers much more than necessary. SNT therefore also offers virtual colocation in addition to the colocation of physical machines. You will receive one or more virtual machines on an SNT machine. By hosting multiple virtual servers on one machine, the hardware costs are shared by all users.

All vColos are part of the SNT cloud platform. The cloud platform consists of three machines at two different locations. The storage is replicated between all three machines. In the event of a failure of one of the servers, the cloud platform will continue to run undisturbed. If two of the servers fail, all data is retained, but the vColos are no longer available.

With every vColo you also get a domain name in the form domain-name.colo.utwente.nl. Every association is also entitled (heading "Study and student associations") to one .nl domain name that could be linked to the vColo. To request this referral, you can contact the LISA Service Desk.


The following virtual colocation packages are available:





All costs mentioned are the cost per year. the usage of CPU and network is subject to our fair use policy.

Terms and Conditions

Request vColo

You can request a vColo by sending an email to the board. Please provide a motivation, potential extra diskspace and every domain-name.colo.utwente.nl you would like to acquire.

More Information

For more information you can contact the board.

Written by WebCom on Sunday May 30, 2021