Studenten Net Twente offers free GitLab access for all students and staff at the University of Twente at
This includes GitLab Pages at and use of the provided CI.
You can find our GitLab instance at and more information about it and it's services at
Use of GitLab for most regular development scenarios is allowed. We only ask you to abide by the following:
Fair use: The hosting of repositories and webpages, and the use of the CI runners is offered on a fair use basis. While there are no hard limits, please try to keep the total size of your repositories, individual build artefacts and Docker images reasonable (<1 GB, <100 MB and <500MB respectively).
Educational use: Only educational use—as defined in the Gitlab Education Terms—is allowed. This means that the GitLab can only be used in relation to learning, teaching and/or training.
No abuse: This is a rule which describes many actions. Always try to use your common sense. Every admin has the right to take actions as they see fit. These actions are not open for debate.
Personal use of Gitlab is allowed. Hosting your personal projects (learning, teaching or training projects) or building your personal (portfolio) website, for example.
We may update these rules whenever this is required for offering the service.